
I found the roundtable to be an excellent resource to answer any questions I had about any issue I was facing in my business.  The facilitator does an excellent job of keeping the meeting focused and creating an atmosphere of confidentiality and comradery that allows participants to really open up and ask the questions or give the advice they would normally be reluctant to share.

C. K. - President

This group has been instrumental in my professional and personal growth.  They ask the tough questions and provide a different perspective always with my best interest in mind.  Having this sounding board has been immensely helpful in guiding me through some tough situations. I appreciate their openness and willingness to share their thoughts.  Even after 20+ years with this group (since inception), I still look forward to our discussion there is always something I can learn.

W.H. - Shareholder - 2nd generation

As a 3rd-generation company that I’ve been leading for 3 decades, I don’t need the group to tell me HOW to run my business. But the complexity of business today leaves me (and other members) to scratch our heads and wonder ‘what are others doing?’.  Whether it’s employee compensation, marketing materials, leadership challenges, opening a 2nd location, collections, employee matters, or potential acquisitions, I know I can count on constructive, respectful, and practical feedback from my peers.

T.K. - President

This business group gives all its participants the ability to tap into a Group Think Tank and receive instant answers to any questions they may have. All in a confidential and relaxed forum.

D.C. CPA - Partner

As a single member professional services firm, getting varied opinions and experiences for the challenges facing my company were sometimes un-nerving, but the variety of owners who spoke confidentially on topics that I may face in the future is invaluable. While the opinions received may be from owners of similar or totally different industries, they always offer useful nuggets of knowledge to facilitate my operations. Most importantly, the group regularly bring up topics that I haven’t faced yet, or wouldn’t have thought to ask. That helps me avoid some of the bumps and bruises of building my business.

T.S. - President

I have participated in the roundtable group for almost 15 years.  The discussions, advice, and insights which occur at the roundtables continues to provide me with a streamlined level of decision making for current business issues or avoiding future pitfalls.  It is difficult to describe the true value and versatility which can be gained by participating in roundtables; they are events that all business owners in pursuit of success should experience.

D.N. - President

I have been a long-time group member (since inception). The roundtables provide an open format where confidential discussions help to reveal challenges that we have all faced in business. This group has truly helped me to ‘see the forest through the trees’ Great comradery and true problem solving happens at these meetings.

E.D. - President

The discussions promoted at the roundtables evoke insight into the mind of the entrepreneur that enables each participant to solve or avoid their own dilemmas, as well as to guide the other members with their own experience.

D.S., Esquire - Partner

Having a group and experienced facilitator to be able to ask questions and get honest, real-world feedback from fellow business owners has given me the support and strength to keep running my business and help validate my policies and decision making.  The honesty, respect and selflessness of the group members is very refreshing in these trying times.

W.M. - President

Our facilitator has done a  great job keeping each meeting "on track" and encouraging people to bring real issues to the group...it's an amazing process.  It works because we all feel that what is said in the room stays in the room...there is such a high level of trust among the participants.

K.B. - Owner

Our facilitator continues to prove his heartfelt calling to help businesses succeed and his innate ability help members help ourselves and each other.  The comradery gained through shared experience in a supportive forum is tremendously beneficial to any business owner. Our significant growth is due, in part, from the great guidance provided by our members and sponsors.

J.B. - Shareholder

As the Principal in a 3rd generation business, I knew my business. I needed the group to help me navigate through the mine field of regulatory pitfalls and requirements that seem to be ever present.  As a 10-year member, I found this group invaluable in running a business in the 21st Century.

J.H. - President

Owning and operating many businesses over the years, I will say that I have learned a lot! Meeting and working with our facilitator (for over x years) has taught me more than anything else… from his knowledge of business, to the round table discussions and his never ending friendship! I always reference the things he has taught me when it comes to managing employees, and never hiring family! My favorite quote from him...”People do what you inspect, not what you expect!” I will never forget that!

EC. S. - President

I quite enjoyed my many years as part of the roundtable.  It helped me gain insights and wisdom from those in business way longer than I have.  It also helped me realize as a younger member that I still have a lot of lessons learned to share as well.  It’s a great group to be able to lean into the real issues going on as a business owner and get honest feedback from others who have been there.  I’ve received sage advice to help our operations, but even more so, I had some challenging times in beliefs about myself as an owner and primary salesperson and this group helped me get through those.  Thank you for all of your hard work.

L.G. - CEO/Owner

The roundtable group has been a HUGE help for me and my business for the 10+ years I’ve been a member. Not only has the group helped me make important business decisions to further my growth, but they’ve also held me accountable on things that I may not have completed otherwise. Contrary to what some people may think, this group isn’t about people who aren’t successful and want to be ‘shown the way’. On the contrary, we have 2nd and 3rd generation members and companies with hundreds of employees, or only a handful, but I learn from all of them... and they learn from me!

D.C. - Owner

I started my HVAC-R business in 1984.  I wish this group was around at that time. I have been a member of the group for more than 15 years.  The best part of the group is tapping into the minds of fellow business owners with similar issues in running a business. Each time I leave a meeting, I come away with something new. The group also helped with marketing ideas to increase revenue.  Having an Accounting firm and Attorney at each meeting was a big Plus.

D.P.A. - Retired President & Founder

As a business owner for over 20 years, I have found the roundtable to be an invaluable resource! The facilitator continuously stimulates conversation between attendees enabling us to "walk in each other's shoes" and engage in confidential conversations we can't easily have elsewhere. The wide-ranging topics from basic operations to the more complex personal stresses of running a business are all covered. I have never left a single roundtable session without the feeling that I have grown either professionally or personally in some way.

DJ. D. - President

This group along with our facilitator’s leadership helps promote open and vulnerable discussions in a protected and private group setting. The group helps to discover ‘the truth’ and options that may not have been considered.  I also like the ‘simplicity’ of the meetings and their structure compared to other groups that require more frequency, cost, and time commitment.

J.W. - President